Chiropractic Adjustment
The chiropractic adjustment can be done on the spine and extremities utilizing "state of art" chiropractic techniques. Dr. Nebile Erdmann practices using Activator Methods Protocol and the Diversified technique. Either of these techniques can be tailored to the patient's specific needs and comfort level.
Activator Methods is an instrument assisted approach to adjusting based on the patient's leg length. This technique is a lighter form of adjusting. There is no 'popping or cracking' of the spine, jaw, or extremities. Very few chiropractors go through the Advanced Proficiency certification with Activator Methods. Dr. Nebile Erdmann is one of the few in the DFW area, and Benbrook, Tx has one of them!
Diversified technique is a manual adjusting technique with a hands on approach. The doctor administers a low force, high amplitude thrust on the restricted joint.

Prenatal Care
Chiropractic care for the expecting mother. The best care a soon-to-be mommy can get is chiropractic care before, during, and after pregnancy. A specific technique called Webster's technique is use for the pregnant woman to check the alignment of the pelvis. A properly aligned pelvis will allow the most room in the womb for the baby. Chiropractic care during pregnancy has been known to decrease labor pains, shorten time of labor and delivery, ease lower back pain from the growing belly, and so much more!
The most common questioned asked pertaining to pregnancy and chiropractic care, "is chiropractic care safe during pregnancy?" The American Pregnancy Association answers this question best: "There are no known contraindications to chiropractic care throughout pregnancy. All chiropractors are trained to work with women who are pregnant. Investing in the fertility and pregnancy wellness of women who are pregnant or trying to conceive is a routine care for most chiropractors."
Call today to schedule your prenatal chiropractic visit.

Spinal Decompression
Spinal decompression is a type of motorized traction that may help relieve back pain. It works by gently stretching the spine at a slow and controlled rate. Spinal decompression can be performed on the lower back and the neck. Some of the symptoms spinal decompression may help with include: sciatica, bulging or herniated discs, numbness or tingling that extends down the arms or legs, degenerative disc disease and others.

Myofascial Release
Myofascial release is a mix of different techniques used to decrease and reduce muscle tightness, trigger points or 'knots', and even scar tissue. One of the techniques used is instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization. This reaches deep into the muscle and is done to patient tolerance. A second technique is trigger point therapy. It is similar to a deep tissue massage, but is specific to the area of complaint and can be done on active movement by the patient.

Kinesiology Taping
Kinesiology taping is for rehabilitation, edema/swelling management, neuropathic pain, scar mobility and postural management.